Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Awareness builds our faith and enables us to walk and not faint. If we could just grasp this fact
 what a difference it would make in our lives. God is with us and has empowered us to be victorious.
     I have learned that, the Word of God is the most powerful source of encouragement. The Word makes us aware of:
  • who God is
  •  who we are
  • who the enemy is
In this blog I could give a list of scriptures that declare who God is, who we are, and who the enemy is.  I could encourage you to memorize them, but I've chosen to encourage you to search the scriptures for yourself. As you search and find; realize that you have priceless treasures in the Word.
Esteem the Word higher than any advice given, hide it in your heart and live!

Part 4
 coming soon!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


žForcibly separated –we have no control over this separation

ž The process of elimination - we are required to shed baggage that weighs us down

žWounded and shattered –Unexpected disaster and sometimes paralyzing wounds from unexpected sources.

žPositive pain- God has purpose for your brokenness.
 Sometimes this is the most difficult process to go through. We tend to take it as a personal attack rather than the road to destiny.
The important thing to remember is God loves you, be assured that whatever you face is not to destroy you. I recall as a teenager I asked God to use me for His glory and anoint my life.
 I was drawn to the beauty that I observed in those whom God was using in ministry.
 I longed to possess the anointing ; I was sincere but lacked understanding.
There is a process to effective ministry and brokenness is part of the process. I wasted many years trying to by-pass this painful experience, and found myself going in circles.
The result of covering the same ground over and over is weariness and frustration; surrendering is the only alternative a believer has.
If we could see the glory in brokenness our pain would be viewed as positive pain.
Our flesh will never love the process of elimination; it will rebel, refuse, and  discourage. 
*****My next blog will help us understand how to go through this process.....stay tuned! 


Saturday, August 25, 2012

See His Glory.....

In life we encounter many test and trials that cause us to wonder where is God.  This blog is to encourage the believer to look through  tears, pain, hurt, and struggles; to see God's glory.
As I write this blog trouble is on every side: yet, I am  confident that God is with me. I want to share with others how important or shall I say vital it is to know your God. Let me ask you a question. If someone said they loved you but never took the time to get acquainted with you how would you feel? I'm sure you would question the depth of their love.  We say we love God therefore we must pursue a closer and more intimate relationship with Him. In relationship you gain knowledge of the individuals desires, likes, and dislikes. As we get to know God we realize that Our purpose is being birthed out of our trials. This is how the believer can still worship and adore their savior when darkness is all around them.  
Romans 8:18 says," I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." The word of God encourages us to look for the glory.
Let us acquaint ourselves with God through His word and watch it fuel the believer, with faith and endurance.  
 To be Continued.......